Geoff Shell leads presentation on collaborative moviemaking at Apple Store; Promoted to Producer at



Apple Event Flyer (May, 2012)


Writers/Actors Ross Bryant and Nikki Pierce

Ross Bryant & Nikki Pierce, writers and actors in collaborative moviemaking example, "Field Trip: 2037"


Field Trip: 2037

Written by: Nikki Pierce & Ross Bryant
Edited by: Derrick Jensen
Directed By: Geoff Shell

Geoff directed and produced this short film written by Ross Bryant and Nikki Pierce used for Lincoln Park Apple Store presentation on collaborative moviemaking using a green screen, flip cam and iMovie. Audience participation bits were recorded live in store and inserted into the movie's placeholder cuts using the same technology.




iMovie Screenshots

iMovie session screenshot for event demonstration. Geoff additionally did the sound design track using Apple's Garageband software and samples.




Building the green screen